Nice to meet you
My name is Gregory Lestrade. I prefer to be called Greg or Detective Inspector, or even Detective Inspector Lestrade. I am the Detective Inspector Of Scottland yard. I knew Sherlock since he was 20. I work with him and John on hard cases. I'm Sherlock's Parental Figure in a way. I Help keep Baker Steet running properly. I Have been here from the start. Always will. I also will always keep John and Sherlock out of trouble. I sadly had a brother who was in the military go missing. He wasn't my twin. He was younger than me but he could pass as my twin. His disappearance inspired me to become a cop which lead me to Detective Inspector.
Bakerstreet's Number- +44 7828 473029
Bakerstreet's email- thebakerstreetboys221@gmail.com
Personal Email- Greglestrade0221@gmail.com
message if you need me,