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About Me;

 I'm a middle child. My full name is William Sherlock Scott Watson Holmes but I prefer Sherlock Holmes or Sherlock Watson-Holmes, please. You might know me for being your famous consulting detective and that is who and what I am, but let me tell you some about me. I have a brother who is 7 years older than me named Mycroft Holmes. I have a sister a year younger than me named Eurus. I lived in Musgrave Hall growing up. before having to move to Hockley. Did homeschooling before going to oxford. Then travelled and met Mrs Hudson in Florida in the USA. Then moved to Baker Street. A couple of years later. I met John and started the adventures you all know about. I mastered the Science of Deduction. Became the world's only consulting detective. I can solve anything you throw at me. I occasionally partner with Scottland yard police when they need my help. I met Mrs Hudson when I was 19. When I was 20 I was getting located in London. I met John when I was 21 and he was 25. Two years pass we became close. Best friends and flatmates that solved cases together. Then I faked my death and disappeared for two years. I and John liked each other shortly after we met but refused to tell each other so when I was 25 and he was 29 he was engaged. A year later married. 9 months later his daughter was Born (Rosie) and shortly after Mary died. Leaving us with the year after... we fought and then made up... We dated for 4 months before I proposed 3 months later we got married... we didn't have time to waste with our job and he is my husband. I'm 28 and John is 32 now. Trust me when I say. I went through a lot. I can go through your case and help you. I promise.
Bakerstreet's text number is +44 7828 473029
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feel free to contact me.
 - SH

Sherlock: About Me

+44 7828 473029

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